A large percentage of people have become familiar with the idea of acquiring essential computer skills. It appears that while many people have accepted the need to learn digital skills, there remains a gap yet unfilled. A research carried out by the US-based National Skills Coalition suggested that 92% of jobs now require at least some digital skills. The European Commission also stated that 70% of businesses in Europe have said that a lack of digital skills is an obstacle to investment, and 40% of adults in Europe lack basic digital skills.
This evidently implies the need to educate more people on the importance of digital skills in today’s world. A major question that rings true in the hearts of many is “What is the need to acquire digital skills?’’ or “How will acquiring digital skills benefit my career growth?” This is especially true among people who do not come from a tech background or did not study tech related courses in school. In our last blog post we examined some essential computer skills one can learn in 2024. In this post, we will be exploring the major benefits that come with acquiring these skills. But first let us examine what computer skills are.
What are Computer Skills?
Computer skills simply refer to the knowledge and ability to use a computer and its related technologies effectively. Computer skills can be Basic or Advanced. Basic computer skills include the ability to operate the computer, browse the internet, send emails etc. Advanced computer skills refer to more technical skills like programming, web development and data analytics amongst others.
It is common knowledge that employers nowadays are more particular about the digital skills on resume more than ever before. Whether you are a student that wants to be better positioned for life after graduation, or you’re a professional with years of experience, these benefits can transform both your personal and professional goals. Check out some of the top benefits that come with acquiring these skills below.
1. Employability
A major significance that comes with acquiring computer skills is how much it impacts employability. The rise of companies daily pivoting to automation of tasks has required a change in recruitment standards. This means that people with digital skills stand higher chances at being employed for a role than those who do not. Proficiency with tools like Microsoft Office, Google Workspace amongst others are now considered basic requirements for most roles in the workplace. The more range of skills you can offer, the better you are positioned for employment.
This also means that people who are already employed without these skills might need to upskill or reskill. This is important for them to maintain their job security. With AI replacing jobs in some industries, having digital skills is a major way to remain relevant.
2. Efficiency and Productivity
Another critical benefit of acquiring computer skills revolves around the productivity and efficiency it delivers. The modern workspace has enjoyed a lot of improvement because of technological tools and softwares put in place. For example, mastering programs like Excel or Google Sheets can help to manage data effectively. Similarly, automation tools like Deskbird, Notion, Float and others are useful for executing repetitive tasks at a reduced time.
Developing competence with these tools will not only make you relevant to your employer, but also help you achieve greater productivity in a lesser time.
3. Online Communication and Collaboration
It is safe to say that it is almost impossible to communicate effectively in today’s world without knowing how to use online communication and collaboration platforms. With remote jobs becoming the new norm, people who are not equipped with the knowledge of platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet might find it hard communicating in the digital space. This can also limit their ability to connect with potential partners on specific platforms. Competence with digital skills will ensure a smooth sail in navigating these platforms for both work and personal use.
4. Adaptability in an Evolving Workplace
The advent of Artificial Intelligence(AI) has completely changed the workspace. Industries are now experiencing growth at an accelerated rate thereby leading to constant need for adaptation. People who are digitally literate will find it easier to evolve with this pace without a need to feel threatened at their role. This however might not be the case for those who are not, as changes in tools and trends can tend to become overwhelming. In order to avoid this, one must constantly improve in knowledge as employees who are up to date with the latest digital trends are more likely to remain relevant and adaptable in their roles.
5. Personal Development
In addition to the benefits discussed above, personal development is another major benefit you stand to gain in this process. Learning new computer skills are known to foster personal growth, allowing you to be more self-sufficient and resourceful.Digital skills will also develop your problem solving and creative skills. Many digital softwares and tools are designed to develop our thinking abilities aiding us to be more productive.
As technology continues to shape industries, acquiring computer skills will ensure that you remain valuable, adaptable, and prepared for future trends and innovation. There is no better time to start your digital literacy journey than now.